Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First round of questions!

Q.What level should story lines be introduced into designing a show?
A. It all depends on the talent level of the choreographer and the performers. If the story would be a basic and well understood concept to the performers the you could see that in a group that has some that are 2ND or 3RD year performers. But if the attempt is too complex or mature for the choreographer to convey the performers will not be able to really understand what they are being asked to do. When it comes to novice groups you can have characters like ants at a picnic or scarecrows in a field. But then the choreography should support the theme or concept or story. When in doubt its best to keep the novice groups to a simple performance. Leaving those big emotional or sophisticated concepts to the open or world class teams.

Q. What is Horizontal Orchestration?
A.  How you chart out your show. I.e. How you connect event to event, are the transitions bothersome or seamless, is your eye being directed to the correct spots.

Q. What is Vertical Orchestration?

A. How are you reflecting the music thru form/body and equipment. Are u hitting highs and lows, dynamics, meter/tempo changes? Is there depth(using body on equipment, for example)?